Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Share some Autodesk Maya Hot keys hope it helps.

Snapping Operations

c Snap to curves
x Snap to grids
v Snap to points
j Move, Rotate, Scale Tool snapping
Shft+J Move, Rotate, Scale Tool relative snapping

Painting Operations

Alt+f Flood with the current value
Alt+a Turn Show Wireframe on/off
Alt+c Turn Color Feedback on/off
Alt+r Toggle Reflection on/off
uLMB Artisan Paint Operation marking menu
b Modify upper brush radius
Shft+B Modify lower brush radius
Ctrl+b Edit Paint Effects template brush settings
i Modify Artisan brush Stamp Depth
m Modify Max Displacement (Of Sculpt Surfaces and Sculpt Polygons Tool)
n Modify Value
/ Switch to pick colour mode
' Select cluster mode (Of Paint Weights Tool )
8 Open Paint Effects panel

oLMB Poly Brush Tool marking menu
oMMB Poly UV Tool marking menu

Tumble, Track or Dolly

Alt+LMB Tumble Tool
Alt+MMB Track Tool
Alt+RMB Dolly Tool


4 Shading > Wireframe
5 Shaded display
6 Shaded and Textured display
7 Lighting > Use All Lights
d+LMB Display Quality marking menu
1 Low Quality Display setting
2 Medium Quality Display setting
3 High Quality Display setting

Displaying Objects (show, hide)

Ctrl+h Display > Hide > Hide Selection
Ctrl+Shft+H Display > Show > Show Last Hidden
Alt+h Display > Hide > Hide Unselected Objects
Shft+I Show > Isolate Select > View Selected

Tool Operations

Return Complete current tool
~ Abort current tool
Insert Enter tool Edit mode
Shft+ menuQ Select Tool
Shft+ menuQLMB Component marking
Alt+q Select tool
Alt+qLMB Polygon marking menu
q+LMB Mask marking menu
w Move tool
w+LMB Move tool marking menu
e Rotate tool
e+LMB Rotate tool marking menu
r Scale tool
rLMB Scale tool marking menu
t Show manipulator tool
y Select last used tool (Excluding Select, Move, Rotate and Scale)
j Snap Move, Rotate, Scale tool
= or+ Increase manipulator size
- Decrease manipulator size

Animation Operations

s Animate > Set key
i Insert Keys tool (for graph editor)
Shft+SLMB Keyframe marking menu
Shft+SMMB Tangent marking menu
Shft+E Set key for Rotate
Shft+R Ser key for Scale
Shft+W Set key for Translate
Alt+s Cycle handle stiky state (for IK handles)

Playback Control

Alt+. Move forward one frame
Alt+, Move backward one frame
. Go to Next key
, Go to previous key
Alt+v Turn Playback on/off
Alt+Shft+v Go to Min Frame

Hotbox Display

Space Hotbox
Alt+m Default Hotbox Style (Zones and Menus Rows)

Window and View Operations

Crtl+a Toogle Attribute Editor and Channel Box
a Frame all in active panel
a LMB History Operations marking menu
Shft+A Frame All in all views
f Frame selected in active panel
Shft+F Frame selected in all views
] Redo view change
[ Undo view change
` Set keyboard focus to command line
Alt+` Set keyboard focus to numeric input line
F1 Help > Contents and Search

Moving Selected Objects

Alt+Up arrow Move up one pixel
Alt+Down arrow Move down one pixel
Alt+Left arrow Move left one pixel
Alt+Right arrow Move right one pixel

Traversing the Hierarchy

Up arrow Walk up the current hierarchy
Down arrow Walk down current hierarchy
Left arrow Walk left current hierarchy
Right arrow Walk right current hierarchy

Modeling Operations

Crtl+Up arrow Display coarser Subd level
Crtl+Down arrow Select/refine Subd component
Crtl+F9 Convert poly selection to Vertices
Crtl+F10 Convert poly selction to Edges
Crtl+F11 Covert poly selection to Faces
Crtl+F12 Convert poly selction to UVs

File Operations

Ctrl+n File > New Scene
Ctrl+o File > Open Scene
Ctrl+s File > Save Scene
Ctrl+q File > Exit

Selecting Menus

Ctrl+m Show/Hide main menu bar
Shft+m Show/Hide panel menu bar
h+LMB Menu Set marking menu
F2 Show Animationmenu set
F3 Show Modeling menu set
F4 Show Dynamics menu set
F5 Show Rendering menu set

Edit Operations

z or Ctrl+z Edit > Undo
Shft+z Edit > Redo
g Edit > Repeat
Shft+G Repeat command at mouse position
Ctrl+d Edit > Duplicate
Shft+D Edit > Duplicate with Transform
Crtl+g Edit > Group
p Edit > Parent
Shft+P Edit > Unparent
Crtlx Edit > Cut
Crtlc Edit > Copy
Ctrl+v Edit > Paste

Selecting Objects and Components

F8 Switching between Objevt and Component Editing
F9 Select Polygon and Subdivision Surface Vertices
F10 Select Polygon and Subdivision Surface Edges
F11 Select Polygon and Subdivision Surface Faces
F12 Select Polygon and Subdivision Surface UVs
Ctrl+i Select next intermediate onject
Alt+F9 Select Polygon Vertex/Faces
< Shrink polygon selection region
> Grow polygon selection region

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